Four Corners Community Chapel
Cumberland, Rhode Island
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."
1 Peter 4:10



At Four Corners, we believe that stewardship is a matter of taking stock of what we have to make sure we are using our resources for good purposes.  While we acknowledge that our time and money are our own to do what we want with, as a church we also believe that everything comes from God and belongs to God.  Therefore, our time, money, and property are not possessions to be accumulated or stashed, but to be shared.  At Four Corners, we try to be good stewards in the following ways:


Providing a safe and hospitable space. 

Sure, significant portions of our money go to keeping the lights on and the roof up, because we want this to be a place where God’s people can worship and where people can discover community 7 days a week.


Covering the poor and needy.

If we aren’t working to shelter the homeless, to clothe the naked, and feed the hungry then we aren’t being the church of Jesus.  In short, we aren’t being who we say we are, because at one time we all are in need.  Through our Missions budget, and through a variety of local and national partnerships that we participate in directly, we hope to become more compassionate and understanding neighbors to the world.


Forming a better environment.

We try not to spend more than we need and to call attention through our worship and ministry to the needs of our planet and to our responsibility to do what is good for the common good not just of humanity but of all creation.


Nurturing one another in faith and love.

There is so much more to be given and received than just money!  While our financial giving allows us to hire staff, and goes a long way in helping us to maintain our buildings and programs, stewardship is about getting to discover those gifts that often lie hidden just beneath the surface of our lives.  Whenever we give of our time to comfort the bereaved or to teach the young or to greet at the door of the sanctuary on a Sunday morning, we find faith and love in one another.




You can give financially to the church at any point during the year.  

Each Sunday we receive an offering in worship.  Gifts can be mailed to the Chapel.  Gifts can also be given by setting up a bill pay transaction with your financial institution.  We also offer you the convenience of online giving and text giving.  

To get involved with a particular mission or ministry at FCCC please  contact Reverend Pierce directly at, or contact the Chapel office at (401) 333-6171, or



Crafting a budget when you don't know what your income will be is tricky.  But your commitment to being a sustaining giver is what makes it possible.  

While one time donations to Four Corners Community Chapel can also be made, by becoming a sustaining giver you are committing to help provide for our life and ministry together on a regular, on-going basis.  By becoming sustaining givers, we recognize that we belong to God.  We are people of faith who gladly trust in God.  We also recognize that we belong to creation, that the resource of our lives must be cared for, and treated as gifts to be shared.  And finally, as sustaining givers, we recognize that we belong to one another.  We are called to live in community.       

To become a sustaining giver, or to give a one-time donation, click on the online giving form logo below.  You can also print a copy of our 2024 Giving Form.  

All giving information is kept strictly confidential, and is made available only to designated personnel in order for them to complete their administrative functions related to financial stewardship.